High quality sport tent for tennis arena in Singapore | Event Tents | Superb Tent Manufacturer | tent | china tent | China Professional Tent Manufacturer | Superb® Tent   

High quality sport tent for tennis arena in Singapore

sport tent for tennis

        Sports can let people happy and healthy, so more and more people like sports game,especially tennis. 

sport tent for tennis

        This sports building was built in Singapore, offer large interior space with height of 6m, width of 30m and long of 60 m. Consist of 63x63x2.5 mm aluminium alloy and 650-900 g/sq.m PVC fabric . Water proof, UV resistance, anti-mildew, self-cleaning, fire retardant according to standard NFPA 701 & DIN 4102 B1/M2 .Wind loading up to 102 km/h.

sport tent for tennis

      Temporary and permanent modular structure solutions designed for a variety of sporting applications enabling field and court sports activities to continue throughout the year whatever the season is.

sport tent

        Superb can customise according to your needs .Which give you a perfect solution.